• December 1, 2021

Detoxing From Alcohol & Other Substances

Symptoms of withdrawal typically begin within eight hours of the last drink, according to a 2014 report published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Withdrawal effects peak at about 72 hours, and symptoms reduce between days five and seven. What follows involves months and years of hard work and determination to stay on that journey. Recovering from substance abuse or dependency takes some time, so don’t be too hard on yourself when all doesn’t go as planned. When detoxing from any substance, you can expect to experience withdrawal symptoms.

After 12 hours, people will begin to experience moderate withdrawal symptoms. Research has found 2-8% of people experience hallucinations as they go through alcohol withdrawal. They might see or hear things that aren’t physically there and feel scared, but doctors don’t consider this to be a serious complication. These symptoms will typically peak at hours and decrease after four or five days for people going through minor withdrawal. There is no precise timeline for alcohol withdrawal because every individual is unique.

What are the risks of detoxing at home?

However, most people will typically start to feel better during this phase. Our free, confidential telephone consultation will help you find the best treatment program for you. The brain’s neurotransmitters are heavily suppressed by alcohol sober house consumption. When alcohol use is stopped, the neurotransmitters must readjust to gain the sensitivity needed to correctly function. If a person can answer yes to two or more of the CAGE questions, they should consider seeking treatment.

For this reason, no one should attempt to detox from alcohol alone or without medical supervision. Possible complications of severe alcohol withdrawal may include respiratory depression and arrest, pneumonitis, heart arrhythmias, and of course seizures. The safest way to address alcohol abuse and begin detox is to consult with a medical professional or seek professional treatment.

Detox Programs

Years of heavy drinking can significantly alter how the brain looks and works. Acamprosate, sold under the name Campral, is prescribed to help your brain begin to function normally again after you quit drinking. Research studies have also started to look into whether or not acamprosate helps reduce the symptoms of PAWS including insomnia, anxiety and restlessness.

how long does it take to detox from alcohol

It’s often influenced by many factors, such as age, weight, drinking history, and the severity of alcohol use disorder (AUD). The time it takes to detox from alcohol varies depending on the individual. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal typically subside in four to five days after the last drink. However, some individuals may experience symptoms for much longer, depending on the severity of their physical dependence. These protracted symptoms can last for months or years in some individuals and are commonly referred to as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). Individuals with a history of substance use disorder are more likely to develop the psychological symptoms of PAWS.

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