• July 20, 2022

Hyundai Needs Retrospection

Hyundai Needs Retrospection

During the Rally Estonia last weekend, the South Korean manufacturer Hyundai i20 N drew criticism from its drivers since the squad was unable to keep up with the Toyotas in front of them. Hyundai is now playing catch-up to its competitors Toyota and M-Sport Ford due to a tardy decision to commit to the new Rally1 hybrid regulations, and the team has acknowledged that it is behind in the development of its i20 N.

Ott Tanak’s victory at the Rally Sardinia in June provided the vehicle with its first glimpses of pure speed, but the season has been marred by a string of mechanical issues.

The i20 N will be improved, according to Hyundai deputy team director Julien Moncet, who has recognised the objections from his drivers.

Homologation jokers, which serve as tokens that WRC teams may utilise to enhance homologated components of their vehicles, are available to the team. But only specific times of the season may be used for these.

According to Moncet, the team has not yet used any of the five jokers assigned to the development of the transmission and chassis.

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