• August 16, 2022

Kimi Raikonen’s huge payout

Kimi Raikonen’s huge payout

There are many ways to become rich apart from Formula 1. You could invest in something that hasn’t taken off yet, or in India, you could even just wait for a festival, They’ll probably have a big lottery dhamaka

Or, you could have a weird clause in your formula 1 contract.

Hear me out

So when Raikkonen was joining Lotus in 2012, the team didn’t expect much from the car. And that’s why they agreed on an incentive deal in Raikkonen’s contract, to pay about 50,000Euros per point scored. A lot of money, but It was a Lotus, among Ferrari, Redbull, Mclaren and Mercedes cars.

But Kimi being Kimi, he racked up a whopping 390 points over two seasons. So after doing the math, it meant that lotus owed Kimi about 20 million euros.

The team couldn’t secure the funds and then Raikkonen left for Ferrari. And he publicly said
“I like to race, that’s the only reason I am here,”

“But the reason I have left the team is purely from the money side. I haven’t got my salary.”

“There was a lot of things and for sure they know what it is,” Raikkonen added.

“It’s hard to say which way it would have gone if that would have happened, but the deal [with Ferrari]’s done now and I’m very happy we’ve done a deal.”

In hindsight, that’s not the best way to make money cause he didn’t really make money, But in theory, he would’ve been rich.
Just like crypto.

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